• Top 10 benefits of physical activity| positive effects of regular exercise

            We all know that regular exercise has very positive effects and benefits on health. It improves not only our physical health (body) but also psychological health (mind) regardless of age and gender. Some people are afraid of physical activity. people hear about exercise and took the meaning of the gym and lots of hard work. you did not need to put much effort in start.you can take start with a walk, run, and even dance, these are great physical activities. You wonder by knowing the positive effects of exercise. According to a survey in UK regular physical activity reduced the risk of hip fracture by 68% in an individual and diabetes (type 2) by 40%.

               If you are scrolling for positive effects you are at the right place it’s never too late. Some of the benefits of exercise are:

    1. Regular exercise improves mental health and memory: 

              Exercise is the most important factor in improving health. Exercise is effective for seven out of ten, the most common chronic diseases in America. Aerobic activity increases heart rate; so, blood flow provides more oxygen to our brain. On the other hand, brain cells grow fast when exercise promotes the release of hormones.
         Hippocampus is the part of the brain that is responsible for long-term memory. When a person starts running it enhances the growth of hippocampus cells.
    The research also showed that exercise works as antidepressant drugs.

    2. Exercise reduces depression and stress:

                When you face depression or feeling stress; exercise is the thing that can 
    overcome these feelings. Psychological studies show that 10 minutes walk is as effective as 45 minutes’ hard work- out. When you get motivated to start exercise then you are far away from negative thoughts. Depression badly affects the nerves of the brain that cause laziness and fatigue; exercise is the miracle that overcomes that fatigue and makes us tension free. 

     3. Physical activities bring happiness:

                 Every type of exercise such as walking, running, jogging, swimming, cycling, and many others bring happiness in life. Exercise stimulates the release of chemicals in the brain that relieve pain, make mood happy, and drop sad factors. These chemicals are dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. 

     4. Boost-up self- confidence:

                       Exercise is the best way to trigger the feeling of self-liking. If you have no confidence don’t worry, start doing simple physical activities and you fall in love with yourself. It boosts your confidence and you will be an inspiration for others. 

    5. Regular physical activities cut down the risk of diseases: 

                         Regular exercise reduces the risk of cardiac diseases and blood pressure. In the past it was declared that people having the risk of stroke, type 2-diabetes and heart failure to avoid physical activities, but recently an analysis of almost 300 clinical trials showed that exercise has positive effects on such patients and helps them in recovery.It reduces the risk of
    •  High blood pressure
    •  Type 2 diabetes
    •  Different types of cancer (bladder, breast, lungs, and kidneys, etc.) 
    •  Alzheimer disease
    •  Liver disease 

    6. Improve sleep : 

      Exercise stimulates or regulates circadian rhythm which leads to quality sleep. Studies show that physical activities promote quality sleep up to a high level.it found that in one-week physical activity of 150 minutes improve sleep quality up-to 65%. People having sleep disorders need to do exercise regularly to get rid of this. During exercise body temperature increases which aids quality sleep.

    7.  Fast weight loss:

                Laziness and inactivity are the main sources of weight gain or obesity. Regular physical activity promotes the burning of calories if these activities are not done; fat stores in the belly in the form of adipose tissues which leads to obesity, heart disease, and hypertension. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are sources of energy.
            During exercise, our cardiovascular system works strongly to give oxygen for the break down of these compounds then fat cells of the body shrink. So, due to the high metabolic rate extra calories burnt really fast. In women during pregnancy, it reduces fat and gestational diabetes. 

     8. Support the skeletal system:

               Exercise plays a very important role in building body muscles both in kids and adults. In a
    mature person, Weight-lifting and enough protein are the factors that make connective tissues strong. During exercise, muscles do great work and become stronger. The Strong skeletal system prevents the body from injuries in every part of life.

    9. Extend the life span:

                 In present days heart diseases, cancer, and many other diseases are causes of mortality and early death. Regular physical activities add years in life. Due to exercise life span expand up to a high level. Study shows that a low- intensity exercise increases life span.
                  If someone does 10 minutes simple exercise he feels great changes and never grows aged early as compared to a lazy person, who has not only 10 minutes for doing exercise to maintain health.
              People who perform physical activities in their leisure time for 10 to 59 minutes per week reduced early death by up to 18%. They have 12% fewer chances to die with cardiovascular diseases and 14 % with cancer. It found that 3 hours per day physical exercise reduces the risk of early death 46%.so, work out of just a few minutes can extend an individual’s life span greatly.

     10. Improve sexual life and flexibility:

    Exercise improves sexual activity and sexual pleasure; it builds muscles and effectively enhances flexibility. It found that women have a disability of ovary, felt reasonable improvement through exercise.

    10. conclusion:

    Every type of exercise or physical activity is beneficial for health.it keeps you away from chronic diseases.it also improves the visibility of skin. Exercise makes people feel happy to avoid anxiety and depression. Exercise always keeps a person fresh and away from negativity. When a person undergoes through disappointments; exercise is the only miracle left behind. The need of the time is just to get started from some point and believe in yourself. I hope these benefits help you to a great extent and brought good changes in your life.

    I also publish this work on another platform by my name (IQRA MANZOOR) with little modification.


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